The Advanced Reiki Master is the 4th degree of Usui Reiki. During this Advanced Reiki Master course you will learn 3 new symbols, which you will receive during 3 attunements. With these attunements your Reiki power will be strengthened even more. You will also learn how to design, devise and receive Reiki systems yourself. In addition, you will learn the importance of attuning yourself.
This day we will also learn to channel. Everyone can channel energy, but with practice and by energetically cleansing yourself it becomes easier. And the easier the channeling becomes, the better you can give healings. You will learn how to get out of the way yourself, so that the Spirit can work through you or with you. It will be easier to receive messages that are coming through. You will become more sensitive to energies, allowing you to distinguish different energy forms.
The Advanced Reiki Master course includes all course materials, including a course folder and your Advanced Reiki Master certificate at the end of the day.
The Advanced Reiki Master course day is from 10am to 4pm and tea, coffee and lunch are provided.