A few years ago my whole world turned upside down. I had to deal with a huge loss and I didn't know how and where to start dealing with it. At home I went totaly crazy, the walls kept coming at me and all I wanted was to flee, away from home, away from everything. I took long walks through the city, through wind and rain. Alone, but also often with my son and colleagues.
And during those walks, the most beautiful, the most emotional but also the "other people's misery is so nice to hear" conversations were held. And over time my urge/need to walk became a little less every day. I no longer had to run. The many conversations, the love and support that I experienced during the many kilometers really helped me through it. That was the reason for me to follow a training to become a walking coach because I discovered how therapeutic it could be.
Walking coaching is therefore not just about walking itself. It's about leaving the office and stepping into real life. But also about enjoying nature and the open air and experiencing and observing life in a different way. Being outdoors puts us back in the middle of life. And that is actually exactly the place where coaching can best take place. Walking is also a physical activity. During a walk, our heart rate increases and our limbs warm up. It literally ensures a more active posture. Walking also brings you more in contact with your body so that you can shift your attention from your head to your body for a while.